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Many people are unaware, but water comes in many different forms.  This, of course, exceeds the three natural states in which water is found in nature: liquid water, gaseous steam, and solid ice.  However water can also exist as a distilled liquid and also as an alkaline liquid.  But what exactly is alkaline water?


Alkaline water is created from a water ionizer.  Simply put, a water ionizer is an appliance that ionizes water by electrolysis separating water into oxygen and hydrogen gas through an electric current.  Alkaline water is known throughout the world to grant health benefits to its consumers. 


Health benefits of alkaline water include:



After discovering alkaline water it is easy to ask how the water achieves these benefits over that of regular tap water.


First it is important to know that unless purified or distilled, all water carries a large amount of minerals and possibly bacteria, viruses, and diseases.  Without processing drinking water in some form it is nearly impossible to drink water that is good for you in nearly every way possible.  As for alkaline water itself, the process of ionizing the water refines the nature of the water, making it better to consume and drink.  By cleansing the foreign bodies out of the water, alkaline water becomes a better liquid for the body because it is purer.


This is also how alkaline water purportedly helps slow the aging process.  By riding the body of the buildup toxins, the aging process is slowed.  Contributing factors to the aging process includes sleep, stress, and most importantly diet.  By drinking only the best water available, the body will be healthier.  After use numerous drinkers of alkaline water report that they feel better than they have in a long time, as well as have increased hydration, which is directly tied to better health.


As with any other water purifying, distilling, or ionization process, harmful acids are removed and the pH balance is shifted to one more natural for the human body to consume.  Through this process people report better health after sustained drinking of alkaline water.

Alkaline Water

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